March 20, 2009

The Princesses Across the Street

Griff just came running upstairs to tell me that there is a great big wedding going on across the street. I looked out, and there are 5 couples standing on my neighbor's front porch while mothers are taking pictures.

It must be prom. There are some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l dresses, and I love the tux/vest/tie/cumberbund/formal shoe/vans combinations that the guys are wearing.

My guys have all been watching out the window and are now wrestling while they discuss which dress they like the best. We're all partial to the olive green one and the white one.

Sorry I don't have photos for you - I didn't want to seem like too much of a stalker / neighborhood watcher.

Can I just tell you that it's a beautiful day for prom? 68 degrees and sunshine right now. So perfect!

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