July 15, 2011

Daughters-in-LawDaughters-in-Law by Joanna Trollope

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I don't think I'd have given the book 3 stars if I had quit when I wanted to. The first 3/4 of the book were difficult for me to enjoy. I read for escape, and this one just felt too realistic. Too much like I was spying on a friend's family. But I kept reading.

The author said that she chose the topic because most women are daughters-in-law. Of course this is the case for me, and this book made me think about my relationship with my inlaws.

I know it was uncomfortable for Anthony and Rachel, but the author did a great job of growing all of her characters - not just the children. Not so much a "life must go on" as "life does go on". It has to, and families have to change with it.

I'd love to give another star because this book really did make me look at my own family relationships - those with my inlaws, my sister-in-law conspiracy (there are 5 of us!), my mom (made me think about what it would be like to have my mother as a mother-in-law), and my future mother-in-law-ness. Food for much thought! However, that first 3/4 of the book prevented me from giving it that one more star...

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